The 16-Week Strong Muslimah Challenge!

My 16 Week Signature Group Coaching Class!


What people are saying about "Get Strong"

  • 'Testimonial'

    Alhamdulillah for the life coaching process with Saadia. I was so broken and angry when I started. Things had happened to me and it didn't make sense. She made it make sense. She also helped me to turn back to Allah I can't express my gratitude. I feel stronger, calmer internally and more capable today because of our time together. -S.S.

  • 'Testimonial'

    Our sessions have really helped me take a step back and learn how to affirm my feelings and validate them, as they exist to protect me. You also helped me build communication tools and focus on living in the moment rather than always focusing on what needs to be done next. I'm definitely a lot more self-aware. But what I really most enjoyed about our discussions is that you took an Islamic perspective and also how you always give honest and straight-forward feedback. I needed that. -N.H

  • 'Testimonial'

    I tried therapy with 2 Muslim therapists but neither understood or cared much about my faith and how it factored into my decisions. But Saadia understood within the first session. Not only that, she offered Islamically-based solutions that make sense in my life. We only did 3 sessions so far but I'm really happy I found Saadia. She's been so good for me, for deen and dunya hamdulillah.… and she has a way of explaining things so you feel empowered and not really is a unique approach. -M.K.

  • 'Testimonial'

    I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so genuine and supportive. I have to say since the first time we met I felt like I've known you forever. I really look forward to using the resources you have given me to try to work through my goals and challenges. Thank you again. You're amazing at what you do. -A.F.

  • 'Testimonial'

    Saadia knows what she is doing. Period. She's very easy to talk to. Not judgemental. Totally relatable. And then she's got a whole Islamic side and knows her stuff religiously and will lay it on. She will tell you when you're wrong. Gently but with full logic. And she's very positive but also 100% invested in your growth. She won't let you off easy. You're going to be uncomfortable but in a good way. My sessions with her were exactly what I needed to finally do something about my health and start healing my inner child so I can become a better wife & mum. It's tough, not going to lie, really tough. But having someone wise to advise you is worth it, especially with the parenting. My relationship with my kids is a thousand times improved. Thank you Saadia! -SB.

  • 'Testimonial'

    Now, let's talk about her skills. Saadia is so intelligent Mash Allah, she has experience,she has wisdom, she is a mother of herown children and step children, and she isa wife. Her experience comes from her lifelessons, which is what I find mostvaluable. Saadia is someone I found I can learn so much from. When I was looking for a life coach, I was very cautious. I looked through many profiles, both personally and professionally because I wanted to see who I am investing my time, money and effort with. -T.I.

  • 'Testimonial'

    I feel it was a very, it was very organized and detailed. there was, I learned a lot from you and like the content and everything that you have like there was a lot of work done and I could like go into all of the modules and I feel it was like a lot of, there was a lot of effort. You could see that it was very well thought out and presented in a really good way. And there was like so much to learn. It was, yeah. Thank you. Okay, next question. So, I'm sorry, this is like, I cannot like. No, no, no, it's great.


Weekly Group Meetings

By-weekly Calls

Live Q&A with Experts

Get Strong 3 starts on March 3rd

Only 5 Spots Available! Book Your Spot Now!

Only 5 Spots Available! Book Your Spot Now! •

Research-Based Curriculum

Workbook + Activities

Islamic Perspective

Watch the below video for more details!

Get Strong starts on March 3rd

Starts March 3rd

Starts March 3rd •

Get Strong Modules

Spiritual Foundations & Intention Setting

Inviting Baraqah Into Your Life

Powerful Habits & Purposeful Rituals

Creating a Mindful Marriage

Building a Beautiful Family Culture

The Necessity of Joy & Childlike Curiosity

Save your spot now just for $200 Initial investment, full price of the program is $647.  

My team and I understand the importance of flexibility, so we've designed a convenient payment plan for our program priced at just $647. You can reserve your spot today by making an initial payment of only $200. This allows you to secure your spot in the program, and then you can pay the remaining balance in manageable installments moving forward. We believe in making it easy for you to access our valuable program, so take advantage of this opportunity to kick-start your journey with us. Don't wait, secure your spot now with a small down payment and get ready for an incredible experience!

Registration Closes Feb 25th

Program Starts on March 3rd