My Story

Hello I’m Saadia Khan

By day, I am a certified educator. I provide essay & academic coaching for high-performing high school students aspiring to attend the world's top universities. I also teach health psychology, write for various publications and am involved in several community endeavors in the Toronto Muslim community.

But I have another, deeper calling. Years ago, I went through a very dark and difficult period in my life. I went through a turbulent divorce that drained the life out of me and left me weak and insecure. It took me a long time, a lot of introspection and deep work to get myself out of that hole. But I had a lot of help, through the support of others and especially through the Help of Allah.

Eventually, I got stronger, spiritually and emotionally. Being a giver, I started running a divorce support group for other women. Through my work, I quickly realized a lot of women lack support or a sense of direction. What’s more, the pain, frustration and loneliness of life’s upheavals cause many to lose their faith.

Through my journey, not only was I able to design a better, more fulfilling life for myself, I was also able to forge a deeper connection with Allah. As I worked closely with other women, I was able to help them do the same. Eventually, I decided to obtain my Life Coaching Certification to make my calling official.

I am now remarried and run a busy household of 8, with 3 wonderful children of my own & 3 beautiful step-kids. Creating a mindful marriage, blending a family of 6 children with diverse ages, needs and personalities, managing a household and continuing my work as an educator has not been an easy feat. Learning how to have a loving, fulfilling marriage while also honoring my own boundaries and needs has also been an adventure. I've had to be strong, intentional, focused and organized. I’ve had to let go of a lot. I’ve had to learn how to create meaningful balance for the things that matter.

So whatever you're struggling with, I get it. I've been through it. I can help.




I believe

I can help you


Make deep inner changes

Develop the mindset you need & skills you want

Identify & overcome obstacles in your way

Get clarity in your life & CONNECT TO YOUR DEEPER PURPOSE

Kind words

Testimonial #1

The thing about Sadia is that she has a demeanor that allows you to feel at ease, which helps you open up to yourself. I felt warmth, interest, and empathy as Sadia coached me through a difficult decision. Sadia’s style seems to be enhanced by her many years as a teacher. She is very methodical in her approach but also patient. Whoever has worked with Sadia would agree that she is warm, natural, and caring. I believe she has the strength and assuredness that people need in their corner when faced with a difficult choice.

Testimonial #2

If you’re into a balance between tough love and empathy, Sadia Khan is the coach for you. Sadia can be very warm and caring but she can also cut through the bullshit and force you to address the elephant in the room. Sadia wasn’t afraid to ask the tough questions. Feeling like I’m going to be held accountable really forced me to confront and change my self-destructive thinking and address my habits. It wasn’t easy. There were many tears. But ultimately this was a really great investment in myself and it was made a hundred times easier because of Sadia’s soft but tough personality. She’s also hilarious so that’s just bonus. But I truly think Sadia saved my marriage. Instead of focusing on my husband’s numerous problems, Sadia changed my thought process and compelled me to look inwards to fix my marriage instead.

Testimonial #3

I was lucky enough to be part of Sadia’s post-divorce support group and although I was really scared and hesitant to join, it was one of THE BEST experiences of my life. Imagine 15 women in a dimly lit family room with candles, cushions, sipping tea and pouring their hearts out. I can’t imagine how Sadia made everyone comfortable enough to share their deepest disappointments and fears. I’m a quiet person but because of her comforting energy I found myself sharing and participating in all the exercises. I’m a much more confident person because of Sadia, much more in-tune with my inner voice. Anyone who gets a chance should definitely take a class with her because you will not regret it.